And baby makes five! Caleb (and William & Henry) and I are so excited to annouce we are expecting Baby #3 in early July! The boys are thrilled and keep talking about and kissing our baby. It makes me so excited to see William as a big brother to two and Henry moving into a big brother role!
Caleb and I both come from families of two kids, so in our minds, that is what we always thought our family would be, too. We had talked in previous months about if we wanted three or not and had decided to wait until the boys got a little older, if we felt like that was God’s plan for our family. We had a few trips planned by ourselves and I was looking forward to a period of time not being pregnant or nursing – which hasn’t been since May of 2015!
God’s plan is always greater than what we can come up with on our own and now that we are expecting our third, I can’t imagine us just being a family of four. I am a bit nervous with three under 3.5 years old, but it also just feels right. Thank God that we were able to find and renovate our new home before we found out we were expecting #3, giving us room for three little ones. He really took care of us as far as being prepared goes!
I fully meant to share this news earlier, but with the Holidays, William’s birthday, our trip to Maui, then the boys were sick and I was battling a sinus infection and double ear infection – we had to reschedule many times! I am so happy to finally share with all of you!
We are just so very thankful to God for this new life and can’t wait to meet our new little one in just four short months! I’d love to hear if any of you are expecting and when you are due! Also would love any tips on transition to three – we will have our hands full with three under 3.5!
pleated maxi dress // belt // crewneck t-shirt // gingham shorts // bar stools
When are you due?
I am due July 5th!
How Far Along?
I am currently 22 weeks 3 days and entering into my sixth month of pregnancy!
How did you find out?
I was a few days late, but chalked it up to the stress of the remodel. At that time, I didn’t think I was that stressed, but that was in the middle of all of our selections being installed and it was stressful seeing the house transforming. It seemed every day there was a new decision to be made and when I realized I was a couple days late, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I called Caleb crying because I was in shock (he was at work) and he couldn’t have been more thrilled!
How are you feeling?
Overall, I’m feeling good! I am very tired and ready to crawl into bed around 9:30, but otherwise good! The first trimester had it’s usual morning sickness symptoms, but thankfully around 15 weeks the nausea went away. The first trimester was very similar to my pregnancy with Henry, just more nausea and it seemed to last longer. Besides having a 24- hour food poisioning in November, it was a pretty bearable first trimester!
Will you find out the gender?
Nope! We didn’t find out what we were having with either of the boys and we are so excited for the big surprise again. You can read about why we chose to wait on this post – it all holds true from when I was pregnant with William, minus planning an unmedicated birth 😉
Pregnancy Must-Haves
These stomach drops helped with nausea and I’ve been using this mama belly oil to try and avoid stretch marks and love them. Thank you mom for finding both for me to use!
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Stia, Jean and Katherine
Photos by Audrie Dollins.