Matching Christmas Pajamas
Always one of our favorite traditions… matching Christmas pajamas! As the boys get older, it’s always fun to have this tradition to look forward. Since William’s First Christmas, we have always found the cutest printed pajamas from The Beaufort Bonnet Company for the boys. The boys are wearing the TBBC Night Nights in mistletoe musings. Here are their pajamas from Henry’s First Christmas and last year!
This year the three of us girls have been really into loungewear, so that’s what we decided to do for this year’s Christmas pajamas. We love a blue and white stripe and although these “pajamas” aren’t red or green, they are soft and cozy… and we will be able to wear them after Christmas, too!
Christmas Eve Services
Every Christmas Eve we go to church to worship and praise God for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. We love seeing our friends and singing worship and Christmas songs together. It’s a great way for us and the boys to keep our eyes on just why we are celebrating Christmas and why it’s such an important time.
In case you are looking for a church to attend on Christmas Eve, our church, Citizens Church, has services at 3 pm and 5 pm!

Visiting Santa
This tradition continues to be such a fun afternoon with the boys’ and their grandparents. This year we had brunch at José on Lovers and then went to Neiman Marcus Downtown to see Santa. We love the Santa at the NM Downtown location. He is so nice and patient with the little ones and usually you don’t have to wait in line too long at all! Best part, no tears this year!

Carriage Ride
This is something we used to do regularly, but haven’t done in a few years while we were wating for William and Henry to get a little older. We’re so excited to start it up again this year with some dear friends. The carriage ride starts at Highland Park Village and it takes you on a leisurely ride around the neighborhood to see all the beautiful Christmas lights!

Trains at Northpark
We’ve been seeing the Trains at Northpark for the past two years and this year the boys have already been asking when we’re going. They love trains and love seeing all the trains and settings at the exhibit. If you are local to Dallas, this is a fun activity to do!

Gingerbread Houses
We started this tradition with William last year with one large gingerbread house. This year we found a kit with four little houses. It was perfect! Each of the boys could decorate a house of their own in the style they wanted. Pretty sure we avoided a lot of drama with this! And it was so much fun seeing how they chose to decorate.

Angel Tree
We’ve been doing the Angel tree since I was a little girl and it’s something I look forward to every year. We typically will pick a family through our church’s Angel Tree. We took the boys yesterday to help pick out toys and clothes for the family we adopted and they loved being part of it.

Decorating Christmas Cookies
Making Christmas cookies is another favorite Christmas tradition and so much fun to do with the boys. William’s first Christmas cookie decorating session was so special and he’s looked forward to it every year since. We’re sure Henry is also going to love it this year! How could he not, with all the sprinkles and frosting and cookies to eat? This is a great activity for a cold winter morning.

Advent Calendar
We’ve been using the same fabric Advent calendar for years. We hang it on the back door at Gigi’s house and William can’t wait to get there to add the next day’s ornament to the Advent tree. He is so excited to mark down the days to Christmas. We’re sure Henry will be looking forward to it just as much next year!