On Sunday we completed Week Six of BBG 1.0. We feel like that is quite an accomplishment! For those of you who haven’t heard of it, BBG (Bikini Body Guide) is a 12-week fitness program that can be done almost anywhere: at home, in the gym, even while traveling. It requires minimal equipment and minimal time investment. Each workout is broken up into four 7-minute circuits, so all you need is to set aside a block of 28 minutes to accomplish the workout. We purchased the app for our phone and that’s how we follow the BBG program. We started BBG the week of December 10th and have loved being able to fit in three workouts, plus three sessions of low intensity cardio, each week. We even managed to fit our workout in during the holidays! Since we’re halfway through, we wanted to share some general thoughts on what we think so far.
As far as results, we think it’s really to soon to see substantial results. Our main goals for BBG were to gain strength and become toned and fit. So far, we have noticed a definite increase in our strength and toning in our arms. We feel really encouraged that that we will see even more toning and strength by the end of the 12-weeks. We aren’t quitting!! If you started with us, we’d love to hear your thoughts!
Thoughts on BBG so far
No. 1: It’s hard.
No beating around the bush. The workouts are hard. We were so sore after our first week that walking, sitting and even laughing were just plain painful! But it got better and now the day after we do BBG, although we can feel that we worked out, it’s not painful- it actually feels really good
No. 2: Anytime/anywhere.
As we mentioned above, BBG can really be done just about anywhere. We work out at home, usually during William’s nap time. A yoga mat, set of 5 lb. weights and a jumprope are basically all you need to get the workout done. There are some leg sets that you need a step up, for one of them we use a bench and for the other the first stair on our stairway.
No. 3: Burpees never get easier.
At least not so far! And, just when we thought burpees were as bad as it could get, along came the jump lunge. Ugh! Here’s one of the places where working out with a friend really helps! Doing some of these sets can be brutal and some encouragement goes a long way.
No. 4: Repeat Weeks 1-12
At the halfway point here in Week Six, we are still including modifications in some of the exercises. For some of the pushup sets, we still aren’t strong enough to do them all in a full blown push up mode and finish with “girl” pushups. We have seen our strength grow each week, so we are really encouraged! Our goal is to be able to complete the workout without any modifications and then move onto the next level. We’ll keep you posted!
No. 5: Commit to menu planning each week.
Here is where we really need improvement. Although it’s not officially part of BBG, eating right is an important part of our fitness goals. We are pretty good about making healthy food choices, but where we fall short is in meal planning. Lunch is usually not a problem. We always have organic turkey, avocados, good bread and fruit on hand. We also keep a stock of Amy’s organic burritos in the freezer. The problem we sometimes run into is dinner. Without menu planning, we can end up grabbing something quick and easy- and not always the best choice!
No. 6: New workout clothes always help motivate
Anyone else?! We made a stop at Nordstrom right before starting the BBG workouts and picked up some motivation… New leggings, workout tees and sneakers got us started off on the right track! We always love the Zella workout leggings and we’re especially obsessed with high waisted styles right now.
If you have done BBG, we would love to hear how you like it!
Workout Details:
Stia, Jean and Katherine