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Checking in with you guys… How are you all feeling? We are doing our best to focus on the positive, trying to enjoy the uniqueness of this time and make some fun memories too. It’s been two weeks since we’ve been keeping to ourselves with little to no outside contact. When we returned from our trip to Vegas we thought it was a good idea to basically self-quarantine. With three littles at home most of the time anyway, I thought I would share some of our tried and true at home activities to keep your toddlers busy. This is just a short list to start with and we’ll try keep an on-going list of activities we find that keep the boys busy and entertained!
Ten Ideas to Keep Toddlers Busy at Home:
- Make volcanoes: All you need is 1 tbsp of baking soda, some vinegar and a small plastic cup. We set ours on a baking sheet to keep the mess minimal and the boys love it! You can add in some food coloring too.
- Cutting/Gluing paper: For William’s birthday we got him an art cart. One of his favorite things is the scissors, so we cut paper and then glue it to another piece of paper. The boys loved doing this a few days ago. These are the scissors we bought on Amazon.
- Muffin tin lunch: This is something we found out about from Sarah and we do this pretty much once a week. Fill up each muffin cup with food for lunch. For example: cheese, crackers, salami, apple slices, carrots, grapes, etc. The boys get so excited when I put this together and it makes lunch time extra fun.
- Mud: The boys could/will spend hours in the mud if I let them. We hose down a dirt area in our backyard, gather all their toy cars and get them all muddy. I give each boy a big bowl of soap and water and then they give their cars a car wash. For more time, give them a towel to dry the cars when they are done.
- Play-doh: Homemade play-doh is easy and it’s fun for your kids to help you measure, mix and make the play-doh. We used this recipe!
- Bounce house: One of the best purchases we made for the boys last year was this bounce house. We use it all the time and it’s become a daily activity on the days it’s not raining. The best part is that it can be a water slide/pool and then it can be used without water for climbing and sliding.
- Daily walk: We’ve done scavenger hunts, mapped out our walks with “landmarks”, played “I Spy,” races, etc. The more time outside, the better! Sometimes the boys ride their balance bikes, sometimes their scooters and sometimes their wagon.
- Shaving gel: Remember at the end of the school year and your teacher would spray shaving cream on your desk? Try it on your kitchen table- it’s sure to be a hit!
- Slime: We got our first “make your own slime” kit from our favorite Play Street Museum. William and Henry loved making it and playing with it.
- Popsicle bath: This is something we do in the winter or when the boys are sick. It’s the best way to pass the time until bedtime and your kids will love the special treat.