When buying handbags, our number one rule has been to try to stick to a neutral, so it goes with as many pieces in our closet as possible. But, when you are a “bag lady” and the last thing you need is another neutral bag, you go all out and get a statement color. The Saint Laurent Sac de Jour (the nano is pretty adorable, too) has been on Stia’s dream handbag list for awhile, and luckily enough, Santa (aka the hubby) had it waiting under the Christmas tree this past year. To be honest, we were all a little nervous that the bag wouldn’t be very versatile because of the color, but let us tell you- we’ve found that red bags can be worn with everything! Styled here, here & here.
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gap striped shirt|reiss leather leggings-c/o|blanket scarf|black suede slip ons (similar)|saint laurent tote bag (similar)|ray ban flash clubmasters|bare minerals lipstick- c/o|bauble bar pearl 360 studs|gorjana teagan cuff-c/o
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