Happy Tuesday! Hope you all had a good weekend. As you may have seen on Instagram, my poor baby came down with a high fever Thursday night, so we decided to postpone our babymoon until a later date. It’s the worst having your baby sick, but those snuggles sure are sweet. Especially from a baby who doesn’t usually sit still long enough to do so! Thankfully, William’s fever broke by Sunday morning and he was starting to feel good enough to go for a swim. Now we are all trying to recover from lack of sleep 🙂
Since we aren’t finding out the gender with baby #2, we thought it would be fun to see what the old wives tales will predict! Are there any that we’re missing? I am on pins and needles waiting to find out if we are having a boy or girl! I think it would be so fun for William to have a little brother, especially because they will be so close in age. But I also think he will make the best big brother (kinda like mine!) to a baby sister.
Outfit details:
dress|handbag (similar)|sandals|earrings (similar)|watch|sunglasses (similar)

Sweet vs Salty
If you’re craving sweets, girl. If you’re craving savory foods, it’s a boy. This time around, I have the biggest sweet tooth! I try to tone it down, but if I could, I would be eating all the cookies, cupcakes, ice cream and donuts that I could. I have been giving into nightly ice cream though 😉 My favorite kind? Alden’s Chocolate Chocolate Chip! GIRL
Morning Sickness
If you have morning sickness, it’s a girl. No morning sickness, it’s a boy. I suffered through morning sickness with William, but it was nothing like this time around. To the point where I wasn’t able to get out of bed a few days. Thankfully, that has subsided! GIRL
Carrying High vs Low
If your’e carrying high, it means girl and if you’re carrying low, it means boy. It always hard for me to tell if people are carrying high or low, let alone myself, but I do think I am carrying the same way that I carried William. BOY
Emotional vs Mellow
This time around, I am so emotional. Things have gotten a little better as my pregnancy has progressed, but I am not near as mellow as I was last pregnancy! GIRL
Heart Rate
At every doctor appointment, they check on the baby’s heart rate. The Old Wives Tales say that above 140 beats per minute is a girl and below 140 beats per minute is boy. Our baby’s heart rate has been right around the 140’s. GIRL
Chinese Birth Chart
Some people swear by the Chinese birth chart! I don’t have a good track record of it – last time it said I was having a girl! This time is also says girl. GIRL

Pregnancy Glow or Breaking out
Early in pregnancy I started to break out. Not bad, but a few pimples here and there that I hadn’t had in forever! GIRL
Cold Feet
My feet are always freezing! Rumor has it this means a little boy is on the way! BOY
Ring on a String
Okay, I felt absolutely ridiculous doing this, but apparently if you lay down and have someone hold your wedding ring on a string (so strange, I know), it can determine the sex of the baby. Swinging like a pendulum = boy. Moving in a circle = girl. BOY
Out of these nine old wives tales for predicting gender – six say GIRL. And with the reliability of these old wives tales, it probably means baby #2 is a Boy 😉 We can’t wait to find out and let you guys know too. Only a little more than 13 weeks to go!