It is just so hard for me to believe that it’s already time for my 28 (29 weeks tomorrow!) week bumpdate update. This pregnancy has just flown by! Is that how it is with every second pregnancy? With William I was so focused on every development in him and change in myself that I feel like I knew every second what was happening. This time around it seems like I barely have time to breathe! I guess that’s what happens when you add a very active toddler into the mix. Did all of you second time mamas feel the same way? So… I wish time would slow down, but I am also soooo excited to met our new baby, so maybe time is going just right 🙂
As always, thanks so much for following along!
Outfit Details
white off the shoulder dress-c/o|lace-up sandals|tote bag|sunglasses
How far along?
28 weeks and six days. I guess this could really be more like my 29-week update! I am officially in the third trimester!
How are you feeling?
I have good days and bad days! Some days I feel wonderful, like I am my old self and the other days I can hardly move! I think part of it has to do with the Texas heat. William and I have been spending a lot of time outside, so by late afternoon I am exhausted! I’ve also been seeing a chiropractor for sciatic pain. I had it last pregnancy, but it seems to be worse this time around. Otherwise, feeling great! 🙂
Gender Guesses
I talked about what the Old Wives Tales were predicting, but I really go back and forth whether I think we’re having a baby boy or baby girl. I was fairly certain early on it was a girl because I was so sick, but now that my bump is really showing, I’m carrying a “basketball” again, which makes me think boy! Either way it’s going to be a fun surprise come September.
Well, I still have that dang sweet tooth. I wouldn’t say that I am craving anything in particular, but just anything sweet. Which leads me to my next update…
Gestational Diabetes
I took the 1 hour glucose test and unfortunately didn’t pass. My OB gave me the option of taking the three hour test or just assume I have it. I decided on the latter to avoid taking the three hour test again! For those of you who don’t know, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with William, too. Because of pregnancy hormones, my body doesn’t process insulin like it should while pregnant. Thankfully, it is easy to control with diet and exercise and will go away as soon as baby is delivered!
Weight Gain
So far I’ve gained 12 pounds. Doctor says I am right on track for the rest of pregnancy.
Maternity Clothes
I love being pregnant in the summer. It’s so easy to throw on a dress and most of the clothes I have bought are non-maternity because they are looser in fit. I do love to show off my baby bump, so I have picked up a few maternity pieces along the way. I absolutely love this off the shoulder dress that I’m wearing in today’s post. It’s one of the softest dresses I own and so comfortable. It comes in three other colors and I’m tempted to buy another – especially because it’s only $88!
My goal was to take two Flywheel classes a week and I’m happy to say that I have been able to do that! A few weeks I’ve gone three times and I may try to do that more going forward.
Sleep has been good so far. Honestly, I feel like I am so worn out by the end of the day that sleep comes easily for me! I have been waking up around 6:30 each morning… but instead of jumping out of bed, I take it easy and have a few quiet minutes to myself before the day gets started.
Things to do
I touched on this this post about our babymoon, but my goodness I haven’t made any progress on my list. The 11-week countdown is on and someone needs to help me get my butt in gear! We have a few more trips planned, but will back in Dallas for good come mid-July. I’m hoping I can accomplish some things before then, but if not, that will give me about seven weeks to prep. Right now, the top thing on my mind is finding a bed, sheets, etc for William and startig the transition to big boy bed. Wish us luck!!
Outfit Details
white off the shoulder dress-c/o|lace-up sandals|tote bag|sunglasses
Shop 28 Week Bumpdate:
Stia, Jean and Katherine