Athleisure is a very important part of our wardrobe. Katherine takes barre classes at Zyn22, spin classes at Flywheel Sports and also runs. Stia and Jean work out at Flywheel Sports and they both also walk for exercise (and chase William!). Very often after working out we go straight to running errands or meet for coffee, so we want to be able to look put together too. Athleisure also works for the days we don’t feel like “getting dressed.” 😉
One of the best parts about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is stocking up on workout wear and athleisure items. Zella is one of our favorite brands in workout wear. The quality is top notch and the price is always reasonable, especially during Anniversary Sale (our favorite leggings are only $35)! We always stock up on the basics; sports bras, leggings and tees, but we also like to add in a few fun layers like a comfy pullover or slouchy sweater to throw on to run errands after working out. It’s even better if we can find a chic tote bag to stash all our “stuff”; think water bottle, lap top, makeup bag, etc!
outfit one: leggings| racerback tank| sports bra|tote bag|water bottle|sneakers|sunglasses
outfit two: moto leggings|split back turtleneck|tote bag|water bottle|sneakers|sunglasses

Athleisure Details
outfit one: leggings| racerback tank| sports bra|tote bag|water bottle|sneakers|sunglasses
outfit two: moto leggings|split back turtleneck|tote bag|water bottle|sneakers|sunglasses
Stia, Jean and Katherine
Thank you to Nordstrom to partnering with us on this post!