I was trying to clear out some old photos on my phone and stumbled on these photos from exactly one year ago when Henry was 6 months old and cannot get over that my baby is now 1.5 years old! Henry is so sweet and cuddly, but he is quite the sass, too. He loves to boss people around, loves to tidy up and he continues to be crazy over his brother (and likewise, too).
We are all head over heels for Henry and can’t wait to see how he grows and changes over the next six months!

Henry is in the 80th percent for height and 40% for weight.
Henry continues to sleep through the night and he takes one long nap a day. Every now and then he will take a cat nap in the car, but usually he is too busy talking or playing with William.
I forgot what a fun age 18 months is. Every stage is fun, but when they are 1.5 years old, they start to get so much personality! Henry is a momma’s boy to a tee. There are some days when he will not let me out of his sight or off my hip! I’m cherishing those moments because I know soon enough it will change.
Henry is only interested in playing/doing/eating what William is playing/doing/eating! He is loving magnatiles, train tracks, playing with cars/trucks/buses, etc and he loves cooking at their pretend kitchen. He is also obsessed with any kind of ball. He would throw a ball all day long if he could!
One of his favorite times of the day is bath time. He asks for bubbles and he could stay in the tub for an hour. The boys will usually bathe together, but on the days they don’t I love this one on one time with Henry.
Our schedule hasn’t changed much since Henry’s 15-month update. My boys just wake up when they do naturally, so every day is different. I will say they are typically up by 7 or 7:30 at the latest! Most mornings we will snuggle for a little bit in my bed and then start breakfast. We run errands or do something fun for the boys in the morning, lunch by 12:30/1 and nap right after. They are usually up around 3 pm. This is when we go for a walk or to the park and get much needed time outside, now that the weather is warming up! Dinner around 6, bath right after that and bed by 7:30/8.
This is probably the biggest change from Henry’s 15-month update. He is officially weaned! He had dropped the evening feeding and I was hoping to have him weaned by the time we were in Hawaii, since we were going to be gone for a week and I was getting further along in my pregnancy. I never wanted to be the one to make him wean, so I was happy that it was all him. He started waking up and wanting breakfast right away and not want to nurse. It always makes me emotional thinking that part is over, but it happened slowly over a long period of time and on Henry’s terms, so I am happy with the way it turned out!
He continues to eat three meals and two snacks a day. He loves mini waffles, almond butter, blueberries, cheese, beans, strawberries, muffins and he loves when Gigi brings him fruit snacks or as he calls them “snack attacks.”
- Henry just recently started putting two words together “Bye Bye Gigi, Hi puppy” etc. It’s so cute!
- Henry has been an early talker, much earlier than William was. He will repeat most words, talks a lot and is starting to sing the ABCs and Wheels on the Bus.
- He is already drinking out of a cup without a lid – with few spills. We say it’s “monkey see, monkey do” after seeing William drinking from a cup
- He weaned from nursing at about 16 months old
Must Have Baby Items
- Henry still takes his “baba” everywhere, but now blankie has to come with us most places – or at least all over the house!
- We just moved the boys to these car seats, so that we can fit three across in my SUV
- Until our new baby arrives and we go back to using the VISTA everyday, we love the MINU. It’s so compact and lightweight!
- We just got these shoes in white for the summer – highly recommend and they are machine washable!
- My kids love these plates, silverware and cups for meal times. Most come in 10+ colors!
- With Easter right around the corner, I bought a set of these easter plates