Happy Second Birthday, Henry!! It kind of goes without saying, but time is flying and it seems to be going faster and faster. We celebrated Henry’s Second birthday this weekend – his party on Saturday and as a family on Sunday. He knew it was his birthday and he was eating it up!
There are no words to express how proud we are of Henry. He has taken to the big brother role to Ford better than I could have ever expected and he loves his family well. We adore you Henry! Happy Second Birthday!
PS: Henry’s 18 month update, 15 month update, 12 month update, 9 month update, 6 month update and 3 month update.
PPS: Here is his first birthday party, sip & see, baby dedication and birth story.

We go to the doctor today, so will know later!

For the lack of sleeping that Henry did the first year of his life, he is making up for it this year! He is my best sleeper right now. He goes down for bed and naps so easy and sleeps so late. This summer he was sleeping until 9:00/9:30 and perfectly content, needing time to wake-up in the morning! He still sleeps the latest, but is getting up around 9:00 these days. I have to wake him up on school days so we can get there on time!

Oh, boy! Henry is full of personality. He is so sweet and full of sass, too. He continues to be all momma’s boy. Always saying “hold me momma.” It’s so sweet! He still looks up to William in so many ways. Good and bad! If William does something that gets him into timeout, you better believe Henry is going to do the same thing to be in timeout too! They do everything together and if they are apart at school or church – they run and give huge hugs to each other like they haven’t seen each other in forever!
I was worried about Henry’s transition with the new baby, but he has surprised me in so many ways! Henry thinks Ford is his baby, always smothering him in kisses, hugs, talking to him in the most loving voice and making sure he has his pacifier. He wants to be next to Ford all day long and it has been so sweet to watch!
He is also Mr. Independent. Always saying “No, I do it,” picking out his clothes and wanting to pour his water or milk in the morning! His favorite things to do are: play with trains, play with the Little People toys and swim! He has no fear – even boogie boarding during our trip to California!

Henry is my grazer. He doesn’t sit and eat a full meal, but would rather snack all day long. His favorite things are almond butter, eggs, pancakes, yogurt, any kind of berry, fish tacos, taco meat, almond butter and jelly sandwiches and anything sweet! He has a major sweet tooth.

He is usually up between 9-9:30, eats breakfast and plays, then we run our errands for the day. Home for lunch around 12:30/1:00 and then down for a nap before 2. He sleeps until 4:30 usually, then snack and play until dinner around 6. He’s in bed most nights by 8:30.

// july: we welcomed our little brother at the end of june and took his newborn photos in july //
We started swim lessons for both the boys this summer. For the first few lessons, Henry would just sit on the step listening/watching and before we knew it he was swimming on his own by just watching!
He just had his first day of pre-school on Thursday and he had the best day. He had an extra pep in his walk and energy about him after I picked him up!

- Counts to ten
- Speaks in full sentences
- First day of pre-school!
- Slept in a big boy bed on vacation – still working on that at home!
Must-Have Baby Items
- I’m sure you guys have seen Baba in any pictures or Instagram stories of Henry – he loves it!
- We just stocked up on more of these shoes for the fall – our favorites!
- This is Henry’s favorite spoon to use for taco meat, yogurt, etc.
- He loves playing with Little People toys – he talks and plays and it’s so cute watching his imagination. A few favorites: he just got this barn for his birthday, this bus, boat and house.
- We still use the MINUs for the two younger boys – seriously, the best stroller!
- He uses this nap mat for school.